Saturday, October 9, 2021

The Heir continues our newfound tradition of not taking prisoners as per our Cultural Update by continuing to press for accountability in the California oil spill.  Today's audio tried to downplay the disaster by apparently citing some kind of "report" that claims that not as many birds were affected by the oil spill, or that it's "not clear" what caused the oil spill, or that the pipeline that ruptured somehow may have been breached for up to "a year."  This after the same audio reported the likelihood that a German goods carrier put down anchor on or near the pipeline and then failed to bring the anchor up when it started going again, and that the anchor caught onto and dragged the pipeline for nearly a hundred feet.  That is more substantive to the Heir than a "report" clutching at different possibilities as to why the oil spill is "not so serious," so he's suspicious about this new report and where it came from.  He's sure the progressives will solely blame the oil industry which he sees as such a predictable go-to, and not on industries that are demanding such oil, such as the burgeoning space tourism industry underwritten by Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos, and in their interests in seeing such a "report" come to light.  See my (Happy Bachelor's) previous base share on the likelihood that the ruptured pipeline was supplying oil for refinement for space tourism.  He sees Musk and Bezos using campaign and charity contributions as a bribe for progressive silence, to the point where the progressives effectively endorse everything Musk and Bezos want to do, no matter how unprogressive those things are.  In a closely related issue, since the Heir still sees Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook as progressive bastions, since the Heir sees the two as part of the progressives' own activist infrastructure, he doesn't believe Frances Haugen's revelations go far enough.  There's a lot more that her documents should have showed, such as Facebook's participation in forced obsolescence, the effort to get the public to falsely believe that one thing should replace another.  This the Heir goes into detail in the Cultural Update, but suffice it to say that he's actually disappointed until and unless there's an update, amidst other audio about current events that seem to seek to steer away from the revelations of Frances Haugen.

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