Monday, October 11, 2021

We're taking no prisoners, and specifically the Heir isn't.  Just days after a jury returned a felony conviction of R Kelly, the Heir heard on audio this morning that the British Metro Police announced they will not pursue any charges or investigations into Prince Andrew as per his assault of a Jeffrey Epstein survivor.  As a result, the Heir's calling for a worldwide discussion of the necessity of a British Monarchy, since he sees the Queen as having the power to dissolve the Metro Police *at will* and for any reason whatsoever.  In that sense, the Heir doesn't see the Metro Police as truly objective if they believe they can lose their jobs if they end up charging Prince Andrew with a crime.  The Heir doesn't remember there ever being a time when either the Metro Police or Scotland Yard had ever taken a member of Royalty into custody without official retaliation.  Incidentally, the Heir was checking in last night into the latest on Cosby's third month of newfound freedom.  If Cosby does start a new show, the Heir wants to join an organized boycott rally of some sort accordingly.  The Heir understands that Andrea Constand had undergone personal healing therapy over the past few years or so, but he's concerned that any time a survivor goes public about undergoing therapy, potential assailants may end up rationalizing their crimes on the basis of, oh well what does it matter if the person is just going to undergo therapy anyway?  The Heir states that an integral part of any therapy of ensuring official justice so that young men and boys don't believe that they can have their way with any partner or acquaintance if they think they'll always get out of jail on a technicality.  The Heir's main aim in justice is about avoiding sending the wrong message.

"For every criminal that gets off scot-free, at least 100 young people will become personally corrupted.  They don't believe they need to be held to account for *anything* if Person X gets off scot-free.  They are likely now engaging in disorderly person offenses in the UK upon hearing news about Prince Andrew."

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