Wednesday, October 13, 2021

The Heir morally opposes today's Space Tourism flight as he did the last one.  He really doesn't care that "Captain Kirk" was on this particular flight, since he sees the space billionaires as cynical enough to try to use celebrity endorsement to try to sell their ghastly industry.  Despite their propagandistic control of at least the audio media, they saw how there was at least a "silent majority" type opposition to the industry at large.  Captain Kirk's flight the Heir sees as no less destructive to the environment as the Bezos flight.  He estimates that every single launch uses the equivalent of 1000 passenger car tanks of fuel (at least) just to get the ships off into space.  He dreads to think what they use to get the ships back down to Earth again.  This flight takes place just mere hours after the UN recommends industrialized countries to spend more of their GPA to battle climate change, but the media the Heir doesn't see as wanting to make a connection between the two stories.  Maybe once there's a Frances Haugen in one of the media's offices who will whistleblow the media's unholy alliance with the space billionaires, the Heir's hoping.   Good thing the Heir uses audio for his information and therefore he's spared any of the distracting and distorting visuals he's sure everyone else is exposed to, so he can immediately sense there's something wrong.  So the next time there's a space tourist flight, the Heir will be there once again to remind people how that flight, too, will put the final nail in the coffin of our efforts as a collective humanity to get climate change under control.

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