Wednesday, December 29, 2021

We've just gotten word that Ghislaine Maxwell has been found guilty on five of six charges.  I the Mentor (i.e., the Happy Bachelor) asked the Heir (i.e., Tropical Soulvangelical) whether this puts to rest his fears from yesterday I channeled here into a base share, and what he said was that we can be relieved that the courts are finally starting to go the way of The Rule Of Law.  He reiterates that what he said about a post-voir dire still applies, and that it's too soon to tell whether we can put that idea on the shelf.  But one concern he had was that the defense's efforts to discredit the survivors, and by extension all survivors including those of Weinstein and Cosby, etc., would have been reinforced if Maxwell were acquitted.  Their discrediting efforts involved outright slander that survivors are somehow gold-diggers that are only in it for the money.  The conviction of Maxwell the Heir takes as the jury's rejection of that vile line of thinking, which should be discarded to the dustbin of history.  The next trial the Heir's focusing on is the Crumblies, and whether Kyle Rittenhouse corrupted Ethan Crumbley with the former's acquittal, making it look as if mass murder didn't have legal or moral consequences.  The Crumbley trial the Heir's not sure of the date on, and last check the counselors were debating with the judge as to whether to lower the Crumblies' bond or not.  But let's keep it just people, and let's keep adhering to principle, if not for anything else, the sake of the children.

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