Monday, October 9, 2023

Where the last 48 hours or so are concerned as of this base share, Tropical Soulvangelical (TSV, aka "the Heir") isn't pledging "solidarity" (or fealty for that matter) with any particular government or group in the latest conflict, except both for the kidnapping victims and their families, and those who've grown up in dire straits about to see their utilities shut off on them in apparent retaliation. TSV has felt pressure to have to choose one side or the other, with the expectation of demonizing the side not chosen, and he doesn't believe this is the right way to look at it. On the contrary, he sees there's actually a lot to unpack with what he'd like to say about it in coming days and weeks, though he thinks the conflict may only last 2-3 weeks like the last one did. So with that in mind among other things, he will want to respond to the "responses," as well as listen to the radio/audio as per updates that might infer a revision in those responses as necessary.

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